Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr.
Josef-Holaubek-Platz 2 (UZA II), 1090 Wien
Raumnummer: 2G548
T: +43-1-4277-537 12
"To be or not to be, that is the question"
Curriculum vitae [pdf]
- Diagnostics of the atmospheric general circulation
- Homogenization of radiosonde data
- Numerical weather prediction
- Variability and Trends in Arctic Energy and Freshwater Budgets (2016/04 - 2019/03)
- ERA-CLIM2 (2014/01 - 2017/12)
- EU Projekt ERA-CLIM (2011/01 - 2013/12)
- FWF-Projekt P21772-N22 "Global Historic In-Situ Upper Air Data for Climate Research" (06/2009 - 06/2012)
- Homogenization of the Global Radiosonde Dataset (2005/06 - 2009/07)
- Hurrican Irma - Interview mit dem ORF-Magazin "Thema" und Radiointerviews im Ö1 Mittagsjournal und beim Radio Fro
- Artikel im uni:view Magazin zum Thema "Klimawandel damals und heute
- "Die Uhr tickt" - Klimamodelle falsch? (Interview auf Science ORF)
- Press Release: "Und den Klimawandel gibt es doch"
- RAOBCORE-Visualisierung
Zeige Ergebnisse 61 - 70 von 94
Ramella Pralungo, L & Haimberger, L 2013, 'Reducing uncertainties of early upper air time series using surface data only reanalyses', Beitrag in 13th EMS Annual Meeting & 11th European Conference on Applications of Meteorology (ECAM), Reading, Großbritannien / Vereinigtes Königreich, 9/09/13 - 13/09/13.
Mayer, M, Trenberth, KE, Haimberger, L & Fasullo, JT 2013, 'The Response of Tropical Atmospheric Energy Budgets to ENSO', Journal of Climate, Jg. 26, Nr. 13, S. 4710-4724. https://doi.org/10.1175/JCLI-D-12-00681.1
Lott, FC, Stott, PA, Mitchell, DM, Christidis, N, Gillett, NP, Haimberger, L, Perlwitz, J & Thorne, PW 2013, 'Models versus radiosondes in the free atmosphere: A new detection and attribution analysis of temperature', Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, Jg. 118, Nr. 6, S. 2609-2619. https://doi.org/10.1002/jgrd.50255, https://doi.org/10.1002/jgrd.50255
Young, PJ, Butler, AH, Calvo, N, Haimberger, L, Kushner, PJ, Marsh, DR, Randel, WJ & Rosenlof, KH 2013, 'Agreement in late twentieth century southern hemisphere stratospheric temperature trends in observations and ccmval-2, CMIP3, and CMIP5 models', Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, Jg. 118, Nr. 2, S. 605-613. https://doi.org/10.1002/jgrd.50126
Hartmann, DL, Klein-Tank, AM, Rusticucci, M & Haimberger, L 2013, Chapter 2: Observations: Atmosphere and Surface. in Climate Change 2013: The Physical Science Basis: Final Draft (7 June 2013). <http://www.ipcc.ch/report/ar5/wg1/>
Haimberger, L, Tavolato, C & Sperka, S 2012, 'Homogenization of the global radiosonde temperature dataset through combined comparison with reanalysis background series and neighboring stations', Journal of Climate, Jg. 25, Nr. 23, S. 8108-8131. https://doi.org/10.1175/JCLI-D-11-00668.1
Mayer, M & Haimberger, L 2012, 'Poleward atmospheric energy transports and their variability as evaluated from ECMWF reanalysis data', Journal of Climate, Jg. 25, Nr. 2, S. 734-752. https://doi.org/10.1175/JCLI-D-11-00202.1
Dai, A, Wang, J, Thorne, PW, Parker, DE, Haimberger, L & Wang, XL 2011, 'A new approach to homogenize daily radiosonde humidity data', Journal of Climate, Jg. 24, Nr. 4, S. 965-991. https://doi.org/10.1175/2010JCLI3816.1
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