Tenure-Track Ass.-Prof. Dr.
Josef-Holaubek-Platz 2 (UZA II), 1090 Wien
Raumnummer: 2C572
T: +43-1-4277-537 50
Curriculum Vitae
Research Interests
I study water-rock interactions in critical subsurface processes using geophysical tools. My research interests focus on
- quantifying soil/rock architecture and predicting hydrologic parameters by using geophysical observations and mechanistic modeling;
- identifying andprojecting biogeochemical processes at fluid-rock interfaces in Earth’s near surface (e.g.,microbial-induced calcite precipitation)
- discerning anthropogenic changes inhydrologic states using geophysical tools (e.g., hydrocarbon contamination monitoring).
Publications and talks till 2019.
Zeige Ergebnisse 41 - 46 von 46
Zhang, F., Zhang, C., & Niu, Q. (2018). Estimating pore-size distribution in carbonate reservoir rocks using joint inversion of NMR and complex conductivity data. in SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2018 https://doi.org/10.1190/segam2018-2997894.1
Niu, Q., & Zhang, C. (2018). Joint inversion of NMR and SIP data to estimate pore size distribution of geomaterials. Geophysical Journal International, 212(3), 1791–1805. https://doi.org/10.1093/gji/ggx501
Niu, Q., & Zhang, C. (2018). Physical Explanation of Archie's Porosity Exponent in Granular Materials: A Process-Based, Pore-Scale Numerical Study. Geophysical Research Letters, 45(4), 1870-1877. https://doi.org/10.1002/2017gl076751
Niu, Q., & Zhang, C. (2017). Pore-scale modelling of complex conductivity of saturated granular materials. Near Surface Geophysics, 15(6), 593-602. https://doi.org/10.3997/1873-0604.2017055
Zhang, C., & Dong , Y. (2015). Biogeophysics: Geophysical characterization of biogeochemical processes in the subsurface. Chinese Journal of Geophysics (in Chinese), 58(8), 2718-2729. https://doi.org/10.6038/cjg20150809
Lu, C., Zhang, C., Hunag, H., & Johnson, T. C. (2015). Monitoring CO2 sequestration into deep saline aquifer and associated salt intrusion using coupled multiphase flow modeling and time-lapse electrical resistivity tomography. Greenhouse Gases: Science and Technology, 5(1), 34-49. https://doi.org/10.1002/ghg.1437
Zeige Ergebnisse 41 - 46 von 46
Zeige Ergebnisse 1 - 20 von 53
Embracing Diversity in STEM
Chi Zhang
Embracing Diversity in STEM
Teilnahme an ...
..2025 - ..2025
From Pore to Watershed: Geophysical Insights into Carbonate Critical Zones Under Climate Change
Chi Zhang
..2025 - ..2025
Academic Forum of the School of Resources and Environment, Yangtze University (2024, Lecture 28)
Chi Zhang
Academic Forum of the School of Resources and Environment, Yangtze University (2024, Lecture 28)
Teilnahme an ...
18.11.2024 - 18.11.2024
GEAR - Geoenergy and Applied Research Lecture Series
Chi Zhang
GEAR - Geoenergy and Applied Research Lecture Series
Teilnahme an ...
17.10.2024 - 17.10.2024
Pore to Watershed: Unveiling the Critical Zone through Geophysical Applications
Chi Zhang
The 6th International Conference
4.7.2024 - 4.7.2024
From Pore to Watershed: Investigating Vadose Zone Dynamics with NMR Techniques
Chi Zhang
.6.2024 - .6.2024
The 2nd International Symposium on the Development and Application of Digital Rock Physics Technology
Chi Zhang
The 2nd International Symposium on the Development and Application of Digital Rock Physics Technology
Teilnahme an ...
5.4.2024 - 5.4.2024
GeoFriday Academic Report
Chi Zhang
GeoFriday Academic Report
Teilnahme an ...
29.3.2024 - 29.3.2024
From Pore to Watershed: Investigating Vadose Zone Dynamics with NMRTechniques
Chi Zhang
..2024 - ..2024
Pore to Watershed: Unveiling the Critical Zone through Geophysical Applications
Chi Zhang
3rd InterPore China Conference – The 6th International Conference on Digital Core Analysis & the 2023 China InterPore Conference on Porous Media
6.7.2023 - 7.7.2023
Elucidating Pore Water Dynamics in Unsaturated States through Numerical Simulation of NMR Signals
Chi Zhang
AGU 2023
..2023 - ..2023
Frontiers in Earth Science (Fachzeitschrift)
Chi Zhang
Herausgabe einer Fachzeitschrift oder Reihe
..2023 - ..2025
The 6th international conference on digital core analysis
Chi Zhang
The 6th international conference on digital core analysis
Teilnahme an ...
..2023 - ..2023
Understanding pore structure and rock-fluid interactions using complex conductivity
Chi Zhang
The Second International Seminar on the Development and Application of Digital Rock Physics Technology
..2023 - ..2023
2023 EAGE workshop The Role of Near-Surface Geophysics and Engineering in Renewable Energies and Low-Carbon Economy Transition
Chi Zhang
2023 EAGE workshop The Role of Near-Surface Geophysics and Engineering in Renewable Energies and Low-Carbon Economy Transition
Organisation von ...
..2023 - ..2023
2023 ICEG conference
Chi Zhang
2023 ICEG conference
Organisation von ...
..2023 - ..2023
Application of geophysical methods in groundwater exploration and management
Chi Zhang
.7.2022 - .7.2022
Zeige Ergebnisse 1 - 20 von 53