Mag. Dr.
Josef-Holaubek-Platz 2 (UZA II), 1090 Wien
Raumnummer: 2G546
T: +43-1-4277-537 17
Curriculum Vitae
Seit 2018 - Postdoc am IMGW (Teilzeit)
Seit 2017 - Scientist am ECMWF
2014 - 2017 Postdoc am IMGW (Theoretische Meteorologie)
2010 - 2014 Doktoratsstudent in der Gruppe für theoretische Meteorologie; Titel der Dissertation: Low-frequency variability in global energy budgets, Betreuer: Prof. Leopold Haimberger
02/2011 - 07/2011 ASP Visiting Graduate Student, National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) (Colorado, USA)
2004 - 2010 Studium der Meteorologie an der Universität Wien; Diplomarbeit Corrected energy fluxes as evaluated from reanalysis data, Betreuer: Prof. Leo Haimberger
- Quantifizierung des globalen atmosphärisch-ozeanischen Energiehaushalts
- Variabilität und Trends dieser Haushalte im Zusammenhang mit großskaligen Klimaanomalien (z.B. El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO)) und Klimawandel
- Reanalysen und andere Datensätze haushaltsrelevanter Größen wie Strahlung oder Niederschlag
Zeige Ergebnisse 1 - 10 von 49
Winkelbauer, S, Mayer, M & Haimberger, L 2024, 'StraitFlux - precise computations of water strait fluxes on various modeling grids', Geoscientific Model Development, Jg. 17, Nr. 11, S. 4603-4620.
Winkelbauer, S, Mayer, M & Haimberger, L 2024, 'Validation of key Arctic energy and water budget components in CMIP6', Climate Dynamics, Jg. 62, S. 3891-3926.
Mayer, J, Haimberger, L & Mayer, M 2023, 'A quantitative assessment of air–sea heat flux trends from ERA5 since 1950 in the North Atlantic basin', Earth System Dynamics, Jg. 14, Nr. 5, S. 1085-1105.
Mayer, M, Tsubouchi, T, Winkelbauer, S, Larsen, KMH, Berx, B, Macrander, A, Iovino , D, Jónsson, S & Renshaw, R 2023, 'Recent variations in oceanic transports across the Greenland–Scotland Ridge', State of the Planet, Jg. 1, Nr. 7, Chapter 4.2.
Baker, JA, Renshaw, R, Jackson, LC, Dubois, C, Iovino , D, Zuo, H, Perez, RC, Dong, S, Kersalé, M, Mayer, M, Mayer, J, Speich, S & Lamont, T 2023, 'South Atlantic overturning and heat transport variations in ocean reanalyses and observation-based estimates', State of the Planet, Jg. 1, Nr. 7, Chapter 2.2.
Mayer, M, Haimberger, L, Sabeerali, CT, Schenzinger, V, Surendran, DE & Sreejith, OP 2023, 'Upper air winds', Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, Jg. 104, Nr. 9, S. 74-76.
Fritz, M, Mayer, M, Haimberger, L & Winkelbauer, S 2023, 'Assessment of Indonesian Throughflow transports from ocean reanalyses with mooring-based observations', Ocean Science, Jg. 19, Nr. 4, S. 1203-1223.
Baier, K, Dütsch, M, Mayer, M, Bakels, L, Haimberger, L & Stohl, A 2022, 'The Role of Atmospheric Transport for El Niño-Southern Oscillation Teleconnections', Geophysical Research Letters, Jg. 49, Nr. 23, e2022GL100906.
Mayer, M, Tsubouchi, T, von Schuckmann, K, Seitner, V, Winkelbauer, S & Haimberger, L 2022, 'Atmospheric and oceanic contributions to observed Nordic Seas and Arctic Ocean Heat Content variations 1993-2020', Journal of Operational Oceanography, Jg. 15, Nr. Suppl.1, S. S20-S28.
Mayer, J, Mayer, M, Haimberger, L & Liu, C 2022, 'Comparison of Surface Energy Fluxes from Global to Local Scale', Journal of Climate, Jg. 35, Nr. 14, S. 4551–4569.
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