Seismology Walk & BBQ 2017 ;-)


In this work, we (IMGW team) present preliminary results from a scientific investigation conducted in the Vienna Basin (Kahlenberg area and surroundings).


In this work, we (IMGW team) present preliminary results from a scientific investigation conducted in the Vienna Basin (Kahlenberg area and surroundings). We tested a new method (called “Walk and BBQ”) and discussed geophysical implication for some of the results. We believe that the evidence obtained are promising and near-future improvements of the method are needed.


The Vienna Basin has been driven more or less contemporaneously to the Alps’ formation by the convergence and collision between the European and Adriatic plates since the Mesozoic (Qorbani et al. 2015).  Depositional environments of lacustrine origin left by the Danube river contributed to the consolidation of the basin. Figure 1 illustrates the study area, from the top of the hills (Kahlenberg area). Visible are the basin borders crossed by the Danube river; the picture has been taken from the middle of the vineyards.

A new method in this area has been tested by the IMGW team and it has been termed “Walk and BBQ”. Figure 2 shows the whole team and family members, on the terrace at the top of Kahlenberg; the west-side of the Vienna basin is also noticeable.


The method has been successfully tested. It consists basically of two phases. Phase A is walking up the hills and coming down, followed by Phase B, namely BBQ'ing. Encouraging results have been obtained and the most representative ones will be in the following shown. These consist of the nice shot at the terrace (Figure 2), the dad-kids (Figure 3) and Dr. Kolinsky managing contemporaneously his two dogs,  his kid and his beer, and even smiling under the rain (Figure 4).


Our method does not lack uncertainty. Critical point include the name of the oldest dog (Baska or Nima/Mima..?), the relaxing option at Nussmayer Heuringer (red or white wine? As in Figure 5), the time for cooking the meat (chicken or sausages? As in Figure 6) in an old but efficient BBQ.


The IMGW geophysics team proposed a new method, called Walk & BBQ, and tested it successfully in the Vienna Basin (Kahlenberg area). Preliminary results promote the usage of such methods and improvements are expected in a very near future.


The IMGW team sincerely thank Dr. Kolinsky for constructive comments and suggestion about the method and Prof. Bokelmann (Figure 7) for external revision.


Qorbani, E., I. Bianchi, and G. Bokelmann (2015), Slab detachment under the Eastern Alps seen by seismic anisotropy, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 409, 96–108, doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2014.10.049.

We know that this paper and the proposed method are merely funny expedients, only to laugh. However, we do believe that hanging out together as a group outside from our usual work environment helped us not only in strengthening relationships, but also in finding even more determination in what we are doing. During the walking time we had the occasion to exchange ideas about our work in a more relaxing outdoor environment, and to find inspiration in the splendid scenery of the Vienna Basin.

We do thank Prof. Bokelmann for his presence at the BBQ (Phase 2 of the method), to make this occasion an even more special occasion.