



  • Contribution by Aiko Voigt on the Nobel Prize Winner Syukuro Manabe in the radio broadcast "Dimensionen" on Ö1/ORF from 6.12.2021
  • Prof. Andreas Stohl participates the panel discussion on the semester question "A civilizational challenge", article in the Medienportal from 16.06.2021
  • Prof. Andreas Stohl within the Semester Question at derstandard.at to the topic "Wie hängen Atmosphäre und Umweltverschmutzung zusammen?", article form 04.05.2021
  • Prof. Andreas Stohl gives interview at ORF Themenmontag to the topic „Achtung Mikroplastik - Wie Kunststoffe alles ruinieren“, ORF TV Thek, tv report from 26.04.2021


  • Florian Fuchs, Beitrag in ORF Salzburg heute „Donner-Forschungsprojekt Gaisberg“ vom 24.10.2020



  • FracRisk Documentary Film: One of the outcomes of the FracRisk project, in which our department was involved, is the documentary film(www.fracrisk.eu/communication/fracrisk-documentary-film)about shale gas, the industrial activity, and how to control its environmental footprint in an European setting. More information about the project can be found in www.fracrisk.eu.
  • Semester question summer semester 2018: "The climate is changing too fast", interview with Prof. Manfred Dorninger in the uni:view magazine


  • Volcano erupts on Bali, interview of Fuchs Florian in the ZIB 2 of november 27th 2017
  • Hurrican Irma - Leo Haimberger gives an interview in the ORF magazine "Thema"
    and also two radio interviews on Ö1 Mittagsjournal and Radio Fro


  • Overview film concerning the the International Master Programme "Physics of the Earth (Geophysics)"
  • Report in the TV magazine Newton (ORF1): "The pearl divers from Stetten"


  • Contribution on the 6th Vienna Daughters Day and UniClub Workshop
  • The big Nepal earthquake 2015, reportage in the paper "Kronen Zeitung"
  • Interview with Manfred Dorninger concerning the blizzard Juno in PULS4 News 
  • Interview with Manfred Dorninger in the science magazine X:enius from ARTE TV concerning the topic weatherextrems 


  • 10 years after the Sumatra Earthquake and Tsunami. The Austrian journal "Die Presse" has put together information about the "christmas earthquake" of december 26, 2004 in Sumatra, and the tsunami it has generated which traversed the Indian Ocean, and killed many people. 
  • Volcanic Eruption of Mount Ontake on September 27, 2014: Interview with Götz Bokelmann on TV magazine Servus TV 


  • Leo Haimberger is answering questions to the topic "Clima and Migration" together with Dr. Monika Mayrhofer of the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute in the Ö1 program "From day to day"
  • "The clock is ticking - are clima models wrong? (Interview with Leo Haimberger at Science ORF)
  • Guestcomment from Reinhold Steinacker in "The Press" to the topic "Cyclones and Frozen Surfaces"
  • Manfred Dorninger talks about local forms of rain in the series "From Life of Nature" at the radio Ö1
  • Reinhold Steinacker joins a discussion meeting on ORF with Ingrid Thurnher to the topic "Land under - are the consequences homemade?"
  • Blue whales at the blue Danube: the IMGW is collaborating on the Baleakanta Project to study these signals. The project was presented at the recent Science and Technology meeting of the CTBTO, June 17-21 2013.


  • All about the Christmas Sky: white or green Christmas? Meteorologist Dieter Mayer talks in the uni:view Magazine about the chances for a white Christmas
  • Uni Vienna Broadcast: Natural catastrophies as seen by science, TV report on OKTO TV
  • TV report about earthquakes in Austria and Geophysics on OKTO TV
  • More storms predicted (Article in the press "Kurier")
  • An almost ideal summer (Report in the NÖN Amstetten)
  • On April 25, 2012 Götz Bokelmann gave his inaugural lecture to the topic "Deformation in the Earth - from earthquakes to plate tectonics". The lecture is available for listening in the media portal of the University of Vienna.
  • Interview with Prof. Bokelmann in the uni:view Magazin: What separates the world apart
  • Sibirian cold freezes Europa: Already 220 dead (Article in Austrian press "Kronen Zeitung")


  • Götz Bokelmann and Bruno Meurers in an Interview on Ö1: the Earth turns faster now
