Lectures appointment procedure "Environmental Geophysics"

04.12.2018 08:00 - 16:20

Invitation to the hearings within the professorial appointment "Environmental Geophysics".

Within the appeal procedure "Environmental Geophysics", public scientific lectures and public lectures will take place on 04.12. and 05.12.2018. The Institute of Meteorology and Geophysics would like to invite you to the hearings.

Scientific lectures (45' including discussion)


"Four epistemological paradigms in Applied Geophysics"

Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Peter DIETRICH (Taucha, D)

Time: Tuesday, 04.12.2018, 08:00 a.m.


"Environment and magnetism: Physical approaches to complex systems"

Lecturer: PD Dr. Karl FABIAN (Trondheim, N)

Time: Tuesday, 04.12.2018, 08:50 a.m.


"Challenges and solutions in Applied Geophysics: New applications, big data and unconventional processing"

Lecturer: Dr. Marios KARAOULIS (Deltares, NL)

Time: Tuesday, 04.12.2018, 13:30 p.m.


"The interplay of micro and macro scales: Understanding field signatures in Biogeophysics"

Lecturer: Ass. Prof. Dr. Adrian FLORES-OROZCO (Wien, A)

Time: Tuesday, 04.12.2018, 14:20 p.m.


The lectures will take place at 09:45 a.m., 10:20 a.m., 15:15 p.m. and 15:50 p.m.. They have a duration of 30 minutes.

Invitation to the hearings

Department of Meteorology and Geophysics
UZAII, Althanstrasse 14, 1090 Wien, Hörsaal 2F513 (Exnerraum)