Publications at the Department for Meteorology and Geophysics

Doyle, J. D., Grubisic, V., Brown, W. O. J., De Wekker, S. F. J., Dörnbrack, A., Weissmann, M., Jiang, Q., & Mayor, S. D. (2009). Vertical air motion from R-REX radiosonde and dropsonde data. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 66(5), 1229-1249.

Wang, J., Bian, J., Brown, W. O. J., Cole, H., Grubisic, V., & Young, K. (2009). Vertical Air Motion from T-REX Radiosonde and Dropsonde Data. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 26(5), 928-942.

Kottmeir, C., Kalthoff, N., Barthlott, C., Corsmeier, U., Van Baelen, J., Behrendt, A., Behrendt, R., Blyth, A., Coulter, R., Crewell, S., Di Girolamo, P., Dorninger, M., Flamant, C., Foken, T., Hagen, M., Hauck, C., Höller, H., Konow, H., Kunz, M., ... Wulfmeyer, V. (2008). Mechanisms initiating deep convection over complex terrain during COPS. Meteorologische Zeitschrift, 17(6), 931-948.

Smith, R. B., Jensen, J., Jiang, Q., Woods, B. K., Cooper, W. A., Doyle, J. D., & Grubisic, V. (2008). Mountain Waves Entering the Stratosphere. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 65, 2543-2562.

Schneider, S., Chimani, B., Bica, B., Lotteraner, C., Tschannett, S., & Steinacker, R. (2008). Nowcasting of a supercell storm with VERA. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, 23-36.

Wulfmeyer, V., Behrendt, A., Bauer, H-S., Kottmeier, C., Corsmeier, U., Blyth, A., Craig, G., Schumann, U., Hagen, M., Crewell, S., Di Girolamo, P., Dorninger, M., Steinacker, R., Flamant, C., Montani, A., Mobbs, S. D., Richard, E., Rotach, M., Arpagaus, M., ... Weckwerth, T. M. (2008). Research Campaign: The convective and orographically induced precipitation study. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 1477-1486.