Publications at the Department for Meteorology and Geophysics

Neumeyer, J., Schwintzer, P., Barthelmes, F., Dierks, O., Imanishi, Y., Kroner, C., Meurers, B., Sun, H-P., & Virtanen, H. (2005). Comparison of superconducting gravimeter and CHAMP satellite derived temporal gravity variations. In C. Reigber, H. Lühr, P. Schwintzer, & J. Wickert (Eds.), Earth Observation with CHAMP, Results from Three Years in Orbit (pp. 31-36). Springer-Verlag Berlin-Heidelberg.

Hauck, H., Berner, A., Frischer, T., Gomiscek, B., Kundi, M., Neuberger, M., Puxbaum, H., Preining, O., & AUPHEP-Team (2004). AUPHEP - Austrian Project on Health Effects of Particulates - General overview. Atmospheric Environment, 38(24), 3905-3915.

Cerovsky, I., Meurers, B., Pohanka, V., Frisch, W., & Goga, B. (2004). Gravity and magnetic 3D modeling software: Mod3D. Österreichische Beiträge zu Meteorologie und Geophysik, 31, 163-168.