Publications at the Department for Meteorology and Geophysics

Showing entries 821 - 832 out of 832
Becker, M., Bernard, B., Boulanger, Y., Corrado, C., Faller, J. E., Fried, J., Groten, E., Hanada, H., Lindner, K., Meurers, B., Peter, C., Röder, R., Ruess, D., Timmen, L., Toro, S., Tsurata, S., & Zürn, W. (1990). Relative gravity measurements at the 3rd international comparison of absolute gravimeters. Bulletin d'Information, BGI, 67, 152-160.

Granser, H., Meurers, B., & Steinhauser, P. (1989). Apparent density mapping and 3D gravity inversion in the Eastern Alps. Geophysical Prospecting, 37, 279-292.

Wagini, A., Steinhauser, P., & Meurers, B. (1987). Isostatic Residual Gravity Map of Austria. USGS Open-File Report, 87-402.

Meurers, B., Ruess, D., & Steinhauser, P. (1987). The Gravimetric Alpine Traverse. In H. W. Flügel, & P. Faupl (Eds.), Geodynamics of the Eastern Alps (pp. 334-344). Verlag Deuticke.

Lichtenegger, H., Meurers, B., & Varga, P. (1983). Local Tide Profiles in Austria and Hungary. In Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Earth Tides (pp. 151-154). E. Schweizerbart'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung.

Showing entries 821 - 832 out of 832