Showing entries 41 - 60 out of 65
Dorninger, M., Gorgas, T., & Steinacker, R. (2011). The Convective and Orographically-induced Precipitation Study (COPS): the scientific strategy, the field phase, and research highlights. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society: a journal of the atmospheric sciences, applied meteorology, and physical oceanography, 137, 3-30.
Rotach, M. W., Arpagaus, M., Dorninger, M., Hegg, C., Montani, A., & Ranzi, R. (2011). Uncertainty propagation for flood forecasting in the Alps: Different views and impacts from MAP D-PHASE. Geophysical Research Abstracts.
Arpagaus, M., & Dorninger, M. (2009). MAP D-PHASE: Demonstrating forecast capabilities for flood events in the Alpine region. Veröffentlichungen der MeteoSchweiz, 78.
Rotach, M., & Dorninger, M. (2009). MAP D-PHASE: Real-time Demonstration of Weather Forecast Quality in the Alpine Region. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 90(9), 1321-1336.
Rotach, M., & Dorninger, M. (2009). Supplement to MAP D-PHASE: Real-Time Demonstration of Weather Forecast Quality in the Alpine Region: Additional Applications of the D-Phase Datasets. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society.
Dorninger, M., & Alberoni, P. P. (2008). Editorial: Special Issue on risk aware. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, 101(3-4), 109-110.
Kottmeir, C., Kalthoff, N., Barthlott, C., Corsmeier, U., Van Baelen, J., Behrendt, A., Behrendt, R., Blyth, A., Coulter, R., Crewell, S., Di Girolamo, P., Dorninger, M., Flamant, C., Foken, T., Hagen, M., Hauck, C., Höller, H., Konow, H., Kunz, M., ... Wulfmeyer, V. (2008). Mechanisms initiating deep convection over complex terrain during COPS. Meteorologische Zeitschrift, 17(6), 931-948.
Dorninger, M., & Zappa, M. (2008). MAP D-PHASE: real-time demonstration of hydrological
ensemble prediction systems. Atmospheric Science Letters.
Dorninger, M., Schneider, S., & Steinacker, R. (2008). On the interpolation of precipitation data over complex terrain. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics.
Wulfmeyer, V., Behrendt, A., Bauer, H.-S., Kottmeier, C., Corsmeier, U., Blyth, A., Craig, G., Schumann, U., Hagen, M., Crewell, S., Di Girolamo, P., Dorninger, M., Steinacker, R., Flamant, C., Montani, A., Mobbs, S. D., Richard, E., Rotach, M., Arpagaus, M., ... Weckwerth, T. M. (2008). Research Campaign: The convective and orographically induced precipitation study. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 1477-1486.
Dorninger, M., & Alberoni, P. P. (2008). RISK AWARE special issue. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics.
Steinacker, R., Whiteman, C. D., Dorninger, M., Weihs, P., Mursch-Radlgruber, E., & Baumann-Stanzer, K. (2007). A Sinkhole field experiment in the eastern alps. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 88(5), 701-716.
Blöschl, G., Ardoin-Bardin, S., Bonell, M., Dorninger, M., Goodrich, D., Gutknecht, D., Matamaros, D., Merz, B., Shand, P., & Szolgay, J. (2007). At what scales do climate variability and land cover change impact on flooding and low flows? Hydrological Processes: an international journal, 21(9), 1241-1247.
Drobinski, P., Steinacker, R., Richner, H., Baumann-Stanzer, K., Beffrey, G., Benech, B., Berger, H., Chimani, B., Dabas, A., Dorninger, M., Dürr, B., Flamant, C., Frioud, M., Furger, M., Gröhn, I., Gubser, S., Gutermann, T., Häberli, C., Häller-Scharnhorst, E., ... Zängl, G. (2007). Föhn in the Rhine Valley during MAP: Reviewing its unstationary aspects in a complex valley geometry. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society: a journal of the atmospheric sciences, applied meteorology, and physical oceanography.
Bica, B., Steinacker, R., Ratheiser, M., Dorninger, M., Lotteraner, C., Schneider, S., Chimani, B., Gepp, W., & Tschannett, S. (2007). Thermally and dynamically induced pressure features over complex terrain from high resolution analyses. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 46(1), 50-65.
Steinacker, R., Ratheiser, M., Bica, B., Chimani, B., Dorninger, M., Gepp, W., Lotteraner, C., Schneider, S., & Tschannett, S. (2006). A mesoscale data analysis and downscaling method over complex terrain. Monthly Weather Review, 134(10), 2758-2771.
Chimani, B., Steinacker, R., Häberli, C., Dorninger, M., & Tschannett, S. (2006). Objective mesoscale analyses in complex terrain: Application to foehn cases during MAP. Meteorologische Zeitschrift, 15(1), 117-125.
Richner, H., Baumann-Stanzer, K., Benech, B., Berger, H., Chimani, B., Dorninger, M., Drobinski, P., Furger, M., Gubser, S., Gutermann, T., Häberli, C., Häller, E., Lothon, M., Mitev, V., Ruffieux, D., Seiz, G., Steinacker, R., Tschannett, S., Vogt, S., & Werner, R. (2006). Unstationary aspects of foehn in a large valley part I: Operational setup, scientific objectives and analysis of the cases during the special observing period of the MAP subprogramme FORM. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, 92(3-4), 255-284.
Schulz, W., Cummins, K., Diendorfer, G., & Dorninger, M. (2005). Cloud-to-ground lightning in Austria: A 10-year study using data from a lightning location system. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 110(9), 1-20.
Dorninger, M., Gorgas, T., Beck, A., Ahrens, B., Loibl, W., & Steinacker, R. (2005). Evaluation of retrospective regional climate model runs with VERA within the project reclip: More. Hrvatski meteoroloski casopis = Croatian meteorological journal, (40), 585-588.
Showing entries 41 - 60 out of 65