

Anzahl und Größe der Eiskristalle in tropischen Eiswolken entscheiden mit darüber, wie stark and wo sich die die Atmosphäre aufheizt und abkühlt,...


As every year the University of Vienna opened for children in the age of 7 to 12, referred to as KinderUni.


The University of Vienna welcomes all kids in the age from 7 to 12 for two weeks.


On June 14th, the concluding and top-class panel discussion on the semester question "How do we humans impact the planet?" took place. UN Development...


In June, the Weiss Prize, Austria’s highest research award in the field of meteorology, was officially awarded to Andreas Stohl of the University of...


The new bulletin 2021/1 of the Austrian Society of Meteorology (ÖGM) is ready! In this issue the interested reader may find three articles on the...


No news available.

 Previous Events

29.05.2018 12:15

Lecture to the topic "Extreme Weather Events"

22.05.2018 12:15

Lecture to the topic "Derzeit und zukünftig mögliche Beiträge der Erdwärmenutzung zur Energieversorgung – Potenziale und Konzepte"

15.05.2018 12:15

Lecture to the topic "Post-processing of ensemble wind-speed forecasts using standardized anomaly model output statistics (SAMOS) with CRPS...

08.05.2018 12:15

Lecture to the topic "New advanced weather modification methods"

25.04.2018 14:00

Meteorological-Geophysical Colloquium

Lecture to the topic "Forensic Seismology Lecture Series: Hydroacoustics"

25.04.2018 11:15

Meteorological-Geophysical Colloquium

Lecture to the topic "Forensic Seismology Lecture Series: More applications in acoustics and the Baumgarten gas explosion"