

Viennese meteorologists: Transport of air mass from the Pacific Ocean explains weather conditions associated with El Niño in North America, South...


Die UN-Klimakonferenz COP27 steht im Zeichen der Extreme: Von Hitzekorden in Europa bis hin zu Flutkatastrophen in Asien. Lukas Brunner schreibt im...


Ein Konsortium der österreichischen Klimaforschungsorganisationen unter Mitarbeit von Universität Wien-Klimaforschern Aiko Voigt und Lukas Brunner...


Andreas Stohl of the Department of Meteorology and Geophysics is part of the Consortium of a new European network for Climate and Atmospheric Sciences...


Atmospheric sciences at the University of Vienna improves to 51-75th place in the international comparison.



Der Klimawissenschafter Aiko Voigt spricht im Podcast u.a. über den Rückgang des arktischen Meereises, die Faszination von Wolken sowie über Mythen...


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 Previous Events

09.04.2019 12:15

Meteorological-Geophysical Colloquium

Lecture to the topic "The dynamics of stratosphere - troposphere coupling: Consequences for long-range weather forecasting over Europe".

03.04.2019 11:15

Meteorological-Geophysical Colloquium

Lecture to the topic "Hydroacoustics" (Forensic Seismology Lecture Series).

27.03.2019 11:15

Meteorological-Geophysical Colloquium

Lecture to the topic "Vibration and Seismoacoustics" (Forensic Seismology Lecture Series).

19.03.2019 12:15

Meteorological-Geophysical Colloquium

Lecture to the topic "Aerosol-Clouds-Precipitation Interactions-Invigoration or Suppression".

13.03.2019 11:15

Meteorological-Geophysical Colloquium

Lecture to the topic "Putting an end to nuclear explosions through science: Infrasound technology" (Forensic Seismology Lecture Series).

29.01.2019 12:15

Meteorological-Geophysical Colloquium

Lecture to the topic "Cross correlation and time reversal in seismology and acoustics."