Due to the strong interest of the public, there was an information session on march 30 to present and discuss effects of the catastrophy on man and...
The new Departmental computer classroom has been put into operations in March 2011. The remodeling of the computer classroom was initiated by Prof....
On July 1st, our Professor for Dynamic Meteorology, Vanda Grubisic, will take office as director of the renowned Earth Observation Laboratory at the...
In 6-hour intervals you will find on our website, air currents, precipitation and long-distance transport, for the greater area of Japan
We are very pleased to inform you on the Promotio sub auspiciis praesidentis rei publicae taking place on March 14, 11ct, in Großer Festsaal der...
The paper "Wüstefeld, A., Bokelmann, G., Barruol, G., Zaroli, C., 2008, Splitlab: a shear-wave splitting environment in Matlab", Computers &...
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