"Understanding what's below your feet"


Research in really great depth: Geophysicist Irene Bianchi focuses on the deep Earth and especially on the dynamics of the shallowest layers of the Earth. The Italian scientist and mother of two received a Back-to-Research Grant of the University of Vienna in 2018. She is using the grant to summarize and publish her research.

"I always wanted to do science", geophysicist Irene Bianchi says. "Geophysics came up, I guess, because we have so many earthquakes in Italy. So it was kind of natural to move from geology to geophysics." After finishing her PhD at the University of Bologna, she crossed the Alps and started working as a postdoc researcher ... 

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Irene Bianchi after servicing a seismic station in Northern Italy.

Irene Bianchi after servicing a seismic station in Northern Italy (© Irene Bianchi).