Excursion of the Department


On 9 April the Department has undertaken an excursion to the Conrad Observatory at the Trafelberg. After the previous days with winterly conditions and fresh snow of up to 25cm the weather during the excursion was sunny with mild temperatures.

Our colleagues from the ZAMG (Steiner, Leichter, Blaumoser and Mandl) lead us through the facilities of the observatory (http://www.conrad-observatory.at/cmsjoomla/de/home).  National and international research is conducted in two tunnels in the fields of seismology, gravimetry and geomagnetism.

A close cooperation exists at the observatory between ZAMG and IMGW. Meurers (IMGW) explained the functionality of the absolute gravimeter and the superconducting gravimeter. Dorninger (IMGW) lead through the meteorological outdoor facilities which support the gravimetric measurements. But also new developments of the IMGW, e.g. the MetLift, are tested at the observatory intensively.

The successful day ended with a short visit at a Heuriger in Baden.