650 years anniversary celebrations of the University of Vienna


As part of the Campusfestival for the 650 years anniversary celebrations of the University of Vienna, the Department of Meteorology and Geophysics presented it’s research topics to the public.

During 12th to 14th of June, both young and grownup visitors were invited to our booth on the University campus to „feel“ Austrian earthquakes and to inform themselves about the mechanics behind earthquakes as well as the Austrian earthquake history. Just in 2013 two earthquakes near Vienna rose attention on such topics among all generations. Even the youngest „future scientists“ were looking for answers on earthquakes as part of a Science Rallye.

On Saturday, 13th of June, families were invited to Prof. Dr. Leopold Haimberger’s presentation on the topic „Italian climate in Austria - where is Climate change taking us?“. Here, children as well as grownups listened carefully to find out if glacial melting and repeating summer temperature records are related to human influence on global climate