Within the appeal procedure "Theoretical Meteorology", public scientific lectures and public lectures will take place on 07.11. and 08.11.2018. The Institute of Meteorology and Geophysics would like to invite you to the hearings.
Scientific lectures (45' including discussion)
"Data assimilation challenges for the next generation of numerical weather prediction systems"
Lecturer: Dr. Martin Weissmann LMU München
Time: Wednesday, 07.11.2018, 8:30 a.m.
"Interactions between extratropical eddies and the Hadley cell"
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Thomas Birner LMU München
Time: Wednesday, 07.11.2018, 10:30 a.m.
"Reconciling cold pool dynamics with convective self-organization"
Lecturer: Dr. Jan Olaf Härter Universität Kopenhagen
Time: Wednesday, 07.11.2018, 13:45 p.m.
The lectures "Vorticity" take place immediately after the scientific lectures. They have a duration of 25 minutes.