Josef-Holaubek-Platz 2 (UZA II), 1090 Vienna
Roomnumber: 2G556
T: +43-1-4277-537 13
- 2020: Senior Scientist, University of Vienna
- 2018: National scientific qualification (Italy), disciplines 04/A4 (Geophysics) and 02/C1 (Astronomy, Astrophysics, Earth and Planetary Sciences)
- 2018: Project leader, University of Innsbruck
- 2010: Assistant professor, University of Vienna
- 2006: Doctorate in Environmental Engineering, University of Trento (Italy)
- 2002: Projekt scientist, CETEMPS/University of L'Aquila (Italy)
- 2002: Degree in Environmental Science, University of Milano-Bicocca (Italy)
- Complete curriculum vitae
Research Interests
- Mountain meteorology
- Dynamic meteorology
- Numerical weather prediction
- Boundary-layer meteorology
- 2024-2028: FWF (Austrian Science Fund) Stand-alone project P 37259, "DEmonstrating Parameter Estimation with eNsemble-based Data Assimilation for Boundary-Layer modElling over mountains"
- 2018-present: TEAMx (Multi-scale transport and exchange processes in the atmosphere over mountains – Programme and experiment)
- 2018-2022: FWF (Austrian Science Fund) Stand-alone project P 30808, "Multiscale Interactions in Convection Initiation in the Alps"
- 2012-2015: FWF (Austrian Science Fund) Stand-alone project P 24726, "STABLEST: Stable boundary layer separation and turbulence"
- ORCID / ResearcherID / Scopus profiles
- Department of Atmospheric and Cryospheric Sciences (ACINN), University of Innsbruck
- Department of Civil, Environmental and Mechanical Engineering, University of Trento
- CETEMPS, University of L'Aquila